1923 Home in Oak Park

A story about one of our most recent projects. 3250 San Jose Way. 2 beds, 1 bath, 701 sq. ft. Scope: Roof, HVAC Replacement, Duct Enlargement, Insulation Installation, Porch Structural Repair. November 2020.

The Petrinos

Because American Home Energy Savers is a general contractor we were also able to lump into our loan another project we didn’t think we would be able to get someone to help us with. Our porch needed to be reinforced, and they were able to do that for us at the same time as they fixed our roof and HVAC. It’s all beautiful and the temperature in this house is even and reliable. Our bills are even a little lower from SMUD. We were sort of blown away by how easy it was. We had a couple of small issues that they immediately remedied. That part meant a lot to us. Honesty is important when you let someone into your home. These folks are going to do their best to make your home better.

10 out of 10 would recommend again.

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  • Nullam faucibus sapien eu neque sagittis, ut commodo nunc porttitor.

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This Trend is Set to Continue

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The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Vestibulum ac nulla non nisl malesuada sagittis. Aliquam fringilla ex quis porttitor mattis. Nam in lacus porta, porta elit et, ultricies tortor. Cras vitae purus non nisl viverra fermentum. Curabitur et sodales elit, sit amet rutrum turpis. Curabitur efficitur ex quis nunc facilisis, at commodo mi pellentesque.

Curabitur magna nunc, congue sit amet scelerisque id, dictum tristique nulla. Nulla sagittis eget tortor ac aliquam. Quisque auctor, erat at tincidunt egestas, justo dui scelerisque est, in porta libero lacus ac ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.