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About Clinton Petrino

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So far Clinton Petrino has created 5 blog entries.

Why Sacramento Homeowners Should Choose a Heat Pump Over Gas-Powered Heating and Air Conditioning Systems

As a homeowner in Sacramento, California, the decision on which heating and cooling system to install is crucial for both comfort and cost-effectiveness. One option gaining considerable traction is the heat pump system, and for good reasons. Unlike traditional gas-powered heating systems, heat pumps offer a multitude of benefits that align with climate change mitigation, environmental protection goals, and economic considerations of Sacramento residents.

1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Heat pumps are renowned for their energy efficiency. They work by transferring heat rather than generating it through combustion, making them up to 300% more efficient compared to gas furnaces, which typically convert fuel into heat at about 80-90% efficiency. This efficiency translates into significant cost savings on utility bills. Given Sacramento’s moderate climate, heat pumps can operate optimally year-round, reducing the overall energy consumption for heating and cooling.

2. Environmental Impact

California is at the forefront of the battle against climate change, and Sacramento is no exception. Heat pumps produce fewer carbon emissions than gas-powered systems. By using electricity to transfer heat, they avoid the direct burning of fossil fuels. As the state continues to increase its reliance on renewable energy sources, the environmental footprint of heat pumps will decrease even further. Homeowners who opt for heat pumps contribute to cleaner air and a reduction in greenhouse gases, aligning with state-wide environmental initiatives.

3. Year-Round Comfort

Sacramento experiences hot summers and relatively mild winters. Heat pumps are versatile, providing both heating and cooling from a single unit. During summer, they act as an air conditioner by removing heat from inside the home and transferring it outside. In winter, they reverse the process, extracting heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and bringing it inside. This dual functionality ensures that homeowners are comfortable throughout the year without needing separate systems for heating and cooling.

4. Financial Incentives

California offers numerous incentives for homeowners who choose energy-efficient systems like heat pumps. Rebates and tax credits can significantly offset the initial cost of installation. Some utility companies, including SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District), provide rebates for energy-efficient home upgrades. These financial incentives make the transition to a heat pump system more economically attractive. Additionally, federal tax credits available through the Inflation Reduction Act provide even deeper savings. Heat pump systems use far fewer kWhs than their gas powered counterparts and cost less to operate year round while maintaining a comfortable interior.

5. Technological Advancements

Modern heat pumps are equipped with advanced technologies that enhance performance and convenience. Features like variable-speed compressors, smart thermostats, and zoning capabilities allow for precise temperature control and increased energy savings. Homeowners can easily manage their home’s climate remotely through smartphone apps, ensuring comfort and efficiency at all times.

6. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Heat pumps help improve indoor air quality, an essential consideration for homeowners. Unlike gas furnaces, which can release pollutants and allergens, heat pumps circulate air without combustion, reducing the risk of indoor air pollution. Many heat pump systems also come with advanced filtration options that capture dust, pollen, and other contaminants, creating a healthier living environment.

7. Safety and Maintenance

Heat pumps are generally safer than gas-powered systems. There is no risk of gas leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning, which are potential hazards with gas furnaces. Additionally, heat pumps require less maintenance since they have fewer moving parts and do not involve combustion. Regular maintenance is straightforward and typically includes simple tasks such as filter changes and periodic system checks, leading to lower long-term maintenance costs.

8. Future-Proof Investment

Investing in a heat pump system is a forward-thinking decision. As California moves towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient future, homeowners with heat pumps will be ahead of regulatory changes and market trends. This future-proof investment can also increase the resale value of your home, as more buyers look for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly properties.


For Sacramento homeowners, installing a heat pump heating and air system is a wise choice. The combination of energy efficiency, environmental benefits, year-round comfort, financial incentives, technological advancements, improved indoor air quality, safety, and future-proofing make heat pumps a superior alternative to gas-powered systems. By choosing a heat pump, you are not only enhancing your home’s comfort and efficiency but also contributing to a more sustainable future for your community and state.

2024-07-25T19:18:18+00:00July 25, 2024|

Should I Change My Old Electric Panel?

If you own an older home, there’s a chance it has a Zinsco, Sylvania or FPE electrical panel. While these panels were popular from the 1950s to the 1970s, they have since been found to pose serious safety risks. Here’s why replacing an old electrical panel is essential for the safety and functionality of your home.

1. Fire Hazard

One of the most significant issues with old electric panels is their tendency to overheat and cause fires. The aluminum bus bars in these panels can corrode and lose their effectiveness, leading to poor connections. This can cause the panel to overheat, potentially resulting in electrical fires. Replacing an old panel with a modern, safer alternative reduces this risk significantly.

2. Breaker Failure

Breakers in old electric panels often fail to trip as they should. The purpose of a circuit breaker is to cut off electrical flow when there’s too much current, preventing overheating and fires. However, older breakers can become stuck, meaning they won’t trip even when there’s a dangerous surge. This failure leaves your home unprotected against electrical overloads and short circuits.

3. Electrical Code Compliance

Building codes have evolved to ensure electrical systems are as safe as possible. Zinsco, Sylvania and FPE panels do not meet today’s safety standards. If you’re planning to sell your home or undertake significant renovations, you might be required to replace your old panel to comply with current codes. Upgrading your electrical panel can also make your home more attractive to potential buyers, who will appreciate the enhanced safety and reliability.

4. Limited Replacement Parts

Old failed panels and breakers are no longer manufactured, making it difficult to find replacement parts when something goes wrong. Electricians often recommend replacing the entire panel instead of attempting to repair or replace individual components. This approach is more reliable and cost-effective in the long run. Older breakers can cost significantly more than newer safer breakers.

5. Insurance Issues

Some insurance companies may refuse to insure homes with one of these brands of electric panels or may charge higher premiums due to the increased risk of fire and electrical failure. Upgrading to a modern electrical panel can help you secure better insurance rates and ensure your home is adequately protected.

6. Increased Electrical Demand

Modern homes use much more electricity than those built in the mid-20th century. From air conditioners to high-definition televisions, today’s appliances and devices require more power. Electric vehicle chargers will often require a new electric panel. Older panels may not be able to handle the increased electrical load, leading to frequent tripping, outages, or even dangerous overheating. A new electrical panel will be better equipped to handle the demands of modern living.

Replacing an old electrical panel is a smart investment in your home’s safety, functionality, and value. By upgrading to a modern panel, you can prevent fire hazards, ensure your electrical system meets current codes, and handle the demands of today’s technology. If you suspect your home has a Zinsco, Sylvania, or FPE panel, it’s wise to consult a licensed electrician about the best options for replacement.

2024-07-25T19:18:34+00:00July 25, 2024|

1923 Home in Oak Park

A story about one of our most recent projects. 3250 San Jose Way. 2 beds, 1 bath, 701 sq. ft. Scope: Roof, HVAC Replacement, Duct Enlargement, Insulation Installation, Porch Structural Repair. November 2020.

The Petrinos

Because American Home Energy Savers is a general contractor we were also able to lump into our loan another project we didn’t think we would be able to get someone to help us with. Our porch needed to be reinforced, and they were able to do that for us at the same time as they fixed our roof and HVAC. It’s all beautiful and the temperature in this house is even and reliable. Our bills are even a little lower from SMUD. We were sort of blown away by how easy it was. We had a couple of small issues that they immediately remedied. That part meant a lot to us. Honesty is important when you let someone into your home. These folks are going to do their best to make your home better.

10 out of 10 would recommend again.

  • Praesent elementum molestie metus, vitae faucibus odio euismod vitae.
  • Nullam faucibus sapien eu neque sagittis, ut commodo nunc porttitor.

  • Cras velit nibh, porttitor id consequat non, porta sit amet orci.

  • Proin rhoncus, urna sed pretium tincidunt, leo tellus sagittis velit, et placerat elit dolor non felis.

This Trend is Set to Continue

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed fermentum aliquam venenatis. Quisque pulvinar orci mauris, eget gravida nibh lobortis a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fermentum fermentum est in euismod. Aliquam interdum metus a lorem pellentesque pretium id eu velit. Sed sollicitudin nisl arcu, sed vestibulum eros tempor eget.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Vestibulum ac nulla non nisl malesuada sagittis. Aliquam fringilla ex quis porttitor mattis. Nam in lacus porta, porta elit et, ultricies tortor. Cras vitae purus non nisl viverra fermentum. Curabitur et sodales elit, sit amet rutrum turpis. Curabitur efficitur ex quis nunc facilisis, at commodo mi pellentesque.

Curabitur magna nunc, congue sit amet scelerisque id, dictum tristique nulla. Nulla sagittis eget tortor ac aliquam. Quisque auctor, erat at tincidunt egestas, justo dui scelerisque est, in porta libero lacus ac ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

2021-03-01T04:15:28+00:00January 7, 2021|

North Highlands HVAC Overhaul

Technology is Here to Stay

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus purus nisl, elementum vitae consequat at, tristique ut enim. Sed ut dignissim leo. Nullam sed metus id sapien faucibus rhoncus sed at magna. Nullam eget ornare leo, eget aliquam ante. Sed cursus malesuada fringilla. Cras porta ipsum sed nibh consectetur, a accumsan velit viverra. Etiam at lorem accumsan, aliquam est at, auctor tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque quis ipsum pellentesque, vulputate tellus ac, suscipit neque. Praesent arcu ante, pharetra nec turpis sed, malesuada vulputate tortor.

Modern Homes Demand Smart Technology

Quisque bibendum diam in nisi mattis ultrices. Vestibulum bibendum suscipit consectetur. Cras sed felis aliquam mi vehicula tincidunt eget nec tortor. In quis elementum quam. Cras sed justo ut ex mollis commodo. Ut porttitor pharetra blandit. Ut ac tellus non nisl vulputate iaculis eget quis urna.

  • Praesent elementum molestie metus, vitae faucibus odio euismod vitae.
  • Nullam faucibus sapien eu neque sagittis, ut commodo nunc porttitor.

  • Cras velit nibh, porttitor id consequat non, porta sit amet orci.

  • Proin rhoncus, urna sed pretium tincidunt, leo tellus sagittis velit, et placerat elit dolor non felis.

This Trend is Set to Continue

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed fermentum aliquam venenatis. Quisque pulvinar orci mauris, eget gravida nibh lobortis a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fermentum fermentum est in euismod. Aliquam interdum metus a lorem pellentesque pretium id eu velit. Sed sollicitudin nisl arcu, sed vestibulum eros tempor eget.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Vestibulum ac nulla non nisl malesuada sagittis. Aliquam fringilla ex quis porttitor mattis. Nam in lacus porta, porta elit et, ultricies tortor. Cras vitae purus non nisl viverra fermentum. Curabitur et sodales elit, sit amet rutrum turpis. Curabitur efficitur ex quis nunc facilisis, at commodo mi pellentesque.

Curabitur magna nunc, congue sit amet scelerisque id, dictum tristique nulla. Nulla sagittis eget tortor ac aliquam. Quisque auctor, erat at tincidunt egestas, justo dui scelerisque est, in porta libero lacus ac ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

2021-03-01T04:18:20+00:00January 6, 2021|

El Dorado Hills Family Home Update

Technology is Here to Stay

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus purus nisl, elementum vitae consequat at, tristique ut enim. Sed ut dignissim leo. Nullam sed metus id sapien faucibus rhoncus sed at magna. Nullam eget ornare leo, eget aliquam ante. Sed cursus malesuada fringilla. Cras porta ipsum sed nibh consectetur, a accumsan velit viverra. Etiam at lorem accumsan, aliquam est at, auctor tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque quis ipsum pellentesque, vulputate tellus ac, suscipit neque. Praesent arcu ante, pharetra nec turpis sed, malesuada vulputate tortor.

Modern Homes Demand Smart Technology

Quisque bibendum diam in nisi mattis ultrices. Vestibulum bibendum suscipit consectetur. Cras sed felis aliquam mi vehicula tincidunt eget nec tortor. In quis elementum quam. Cras sed justo ut ex mollis commodo. Ut porttitor pharetra blandit. Ut ac tellus non nisl vulputate iaculis eget quis urna.

  • Praesent elementum molestie metus, vitae faucibus odio euismod vitae.
  • Nullam faucibus sapien eu neque sagittis, ut commodo nunc porttitor.

  • Cras velit nibh, porttitor id consequat non, porta sit amet orci.

  • Proin rhoncus, urna sed pretium tincidunt, leo tellus sagittis velit, et placerat elit dolor non felis.

This Trend is Set to Continue

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed fermentum aliquam venenatis. Quisque pulvinar orci mauris, eget gravida nibh lobortis a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fermentum fermentum est in euismod. Aliquam interdum metus a lorem pellentesque pretium id eu velit. Sed sollicitudin nisl arcu, sed vestibulum eros tempor eget.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Vestibulum ac nulla non nisl malesuada sagittis. Aliquam fringilla ex quis porttitor mattis. Nam in lacus porta, porta elit et, ultricies tortor. Cras vitae purus non nisl viverra fermentum. Curabitur et sodales elit, sit amet rutrum turpis. Curabitur efficitur ex quis nunc facilisis, at commodo mi pellentesque.

Curabitur magna nunc, congue sit amet scelerisque id, dictum tristique nulla. Nulla sagittis eget tortor ac aliquam. Quisque auctor, erat at tincidunt egestas, justo dui scelerisque est, in porta libero lacus ac ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

2021-03-01T04:22:42+00:00December 7, 2015|


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